horrible, just horrible day at work yesterday.............. i was so livid i made myself sick.... my idiot team mate at work...... lets just say yesterday if i would have seen him... i would have told him that the world would have been better off if his mother used a coat hanger instead of giving birth to him.... i was that pissed.... the stupid bullshit that this guy is pulling is actually costing me commission... i calmed down though, and talked to my boss today... hopefully things will get straightened out this time....
end rant!
im just really tired right now.... it looks like there may be an end in sight... all be it 2 months down the road... but it is coming!!!
tHE bOY comes here tomorrow, i cant wait, although i wont be much use except for someone to sleep beside!! :p
i was so happy, i got to talk to my twinkie today.... i so miss my twinkie<3333333333333333333
i would probably go more insane than i already am now if they werent in my life... soon enough our sugary cake and sweet frosting will be together
later kids <3333333333333333
end rant!
im just really tired right now.... it looks like there may be an end in sight... all be it 2 months down the road... but it is coming!!!
tHE bOY comes here tomorrow, i cant wait, although i wont be much use except for someone to sleep beside!! :p
i was so happy, i got to talk to my twinkie today.... i so miss my twinkie<3333333333333333333
i would probably go more insane than i already am now if they werent in my life... soon enough our sugary cake and sweet frosting will be together

later kids <3333333333333333
Happy snuggling with your boy.