this month 5 years ago....i came within hours of dieing..... i think about it a lot when this time of year roles around...
story if you chose to read it ....
story if you chose to read it ....
well in any case, it makes me think a lot sometimes......................
on the bizarre side... my sex drive is unusually high right now.... i dont think i have ever had this much umpf in my entire life.... it quit odd to me, i always want sex, but, right now it seems like i need to have it....
so i went up to my moms for mothers day.... and i finally showed her the rest of my tat work i got done.... my mother and father both looked at and were astonished... in a good way... they absolutely love it.... my mother also noted that she loved my new glasses and especially my hat and wanted to know where i got it
Happy Mothers Day sweetie, and stay healthy, bitch so I can be next in line, for the MILF action... xoxox T
You told me about the three kidneys, but I never knew about your close call. Yikes.