I really wish I could have gone to Havana last night. It looks like everyone else had fun. I will make it next month!

I've been thinking about going back to school. I just don't know what I would go for. I'm very indecisive. When I was younger I always wanted to go through cosmetology, I just don't know if I would stick with that....
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Hello and Havana is amazing. Come out next time.Apologies if i double requested.biggrin robot
I haven't been able to make it out to Havana the last two times either...It seems like it is always on a night that just isn't going to work for me...

robot skull robot skull robot
I am sooo bored! I've been cleaning all day. I have to babysit tonight and it's gonna suck! A friend of mine just had twins and she asked me to watch one of them from this evening to tomorrow evening. They always scream too, I have never seen them with their mouths shut. Hopefully she gives me the one that sleeps alot.

I got my...
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congrats on the premo. love
so just where is Bremen OH?

robot skull robot skull robot
So I shot my first pro set today with Alissa Brunelli. It was awesome! She is the greatest photographer, ever! I'm already thinking of things to do next time. I don't even know what to write I'm still so excited!

I'm hot for Brunelli, toosmile
hope you have fun...can't wait to see your fab set go up!!! Naughty!
So I went to the SG Havana thing last night and met Alissa Brunelli in person. We had already set a date for a shoot and everything, but had never met. I must say, she seems absolutely awesome. I can't wait until our shoot, which is in like less than a week. I guess thats all, I have to get ready and go to work...
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Did you have fun at havana? I was there for a short while (till 12 or so)
I love my tan! I had no idea I had gotten that dark until I took some pics last night. This is my third day off work and it feels so wierd. I go back tomorrow, and I'm gonna be in hell! I think it's supposed to get up to like 70 tomorrow too, I always get the shaft when it comes to the days...
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It's OH, don't feel too bad, it'll probably turn shitty again in like a day or two wink
So, I haven't blogged in a long time. I got a new job a couple months ago, photo tech., it's cool. Next month I get to move up to Lab Supervisor. I get a whole dollar raise. I expected a lot more. I get to see a lot of really nasty stuff at this job. You'd be surprised how many people just don't give a...
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Wow, it's been a long time. I've been doing nothing but work. I need a new job. Any suggestions? Didn't think so. I've been working on getting someone to shoot me a set soon. My non-professional photosets just never turn out quite right, as you can see. I had a nice streak of luck last week. I got a phone call at work from my...
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Yeah, Happy Birthday!
Hey there, I was browsing through the local section and i came across you.Let say you caught my eye. burning embers

hey everyone yesterday was my 5 year mark on being married we did a photo shoot that hopefully will get accepted and had great sex afterwards. i havent had the chance to update lately 'cause i've been real busy but i'll try to get on more often and update more hopefully when warms up i'll have some great pics to put up i hate taking...
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Thank you all for the happy birthdays. It was nice coming home from work to that. So, yes I found a job. It's alright. I do housekeeping now. I have a lot less time on my hands now. It's ok though because it will pay the bills! Well, I love you all, you're so cool. C-ya later. xoxo

Twenty-three on there way...
mr husband is a lucky man