Looking forward to the weekend. I've really been honing my slacking arts. sheesh, if I wasn't a senior...

On the upside, I now officially have two friends that, if we ever live in the same city, we've agreed we'll start dating. Kick ass.
blah, blah, and more blah

not a whole lot going on in the world of me. midterms, warcraft, and a poetry portfolio due way before I want it to be.

oh, and I found out that the ram they sent me (that I waited a month for) is bogus. got a diagnostics program from a friend, and it failed all of the tests. great.

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that sucks about the ram. frown
yeah, i used to dm like 12-hour sessions in highschool. it was nuts. looking back, i don't know how i had time to do any real life stuff. wink
i sculpt in wax and clay, and cast iron. haven't gotten an opportunity to do much after i graduated, lacking the proper facilities, but it's the same with my printmaking, too. i need to get my ass in gear and set up a studio.
Stayed up till 4 am playing D&D last night, then had five hours of classes. How the hell did I ever make it through high school?
ha I've had to ask myself that wink
hehehe. i used to do the same thing when i was in highschool. but highschool was pretty much a joke. at least mine was... had to give up the roleplaying when i went to college. comic books, too. took up waaaay too much of my time, energy and creative thought. i still retreat into my imaginary fantasy world, though. wink good luck with the balancing act!
Over the weekend, I've got a shitload of reading I need to get done, in addition to studying for a make-up test and writing poetry (for class). Chances are I'm just gonna get drunk and play video games.

But hey, at least I'm paying a shitload of money to blow off these classes!
ooo aaa
one of the best nights of my life = creating a mario bros. drinking game. we never got past level one...
If things go as planned, I'll finally have my computer up and operational tomorrow. I've only waited a goddamn month for this. grrrr.

In other news, I'm feeling better. Started working out and taking my schoolwork a wee bit more seriously.
CC= Campus Center
Okay, so my computer isn't quite as up as I'd like it to be. Turns out the RAM I was trying to put in was registered, and my motherboard will only take unbuffered. I only vaugely know the difference, but that's not the point. The website where I bought all my stuff didn't tell me that. So now I have to send the RAM back...
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that sucks ... i only know a little bit more than your average rock about computers. frown

Finally, a week after getting here, my new computer is up and running on the internet. It only took reformatting after some sort of worm wiggled its way in, and we had hella problems.

So, I'm back. Kick ass.

Also, classes are good. Switched one of them and won't regret it. The view from my room is awesome; optimal people-watching opportunities.

Oh, and I'm...
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Got my new computer all put together, even installed some of it on my own. It rocks my world. I had to send the RAM back, cause it didn't work, so that sucks. Moving back to Milwaukee tomorrow, totally stoked. Haven't seen my roommates in too long.

And just for the stees, a pirate: ARRR!!!

arrr indeed
Evidently it's moving time. Everybody I know seems to be moving. I guess I've never noticed it before.

Does this happen every year? Like, even with people not in school? Damn.
My brother came home from camp today. He's been counseling all summer. We got the group together, played some good ol D&D, had a fun time. Though we feel differently about my parents moving out of the house that's been home for 17 years, neither of us like it. Oh well, it's good to have him back.
smile i get to go see my brother for the first time in months... i'm happy about it!

i understand how you feel about the house... i'm really attached to places, sentimentally. i got upset when my mom redid her bathroom.