Thanksgiving break was nice. I didn't get any work done, not that I expected to. But now I have to write three 10 page papers in two weeks, the first of which was due a week ago. This ought to be fun...
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Thursday Oct 14, 2004
Looking forward to the weekend. I've really been honing my slacking … -
Thursday Oct 07, 2004
blah, blah, and more blah not a whole lot going on in the world of… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
Stayed up till 4 am playing D&D; last night, then had five hours of c… -
Friday Oct 01, 2004
Over the weekend, I've got a shitload of reading I need to get done, … -
Tuesday Sep 28, 2004
If things go as planned, I'll finally have my computer up and operati… -
Sunday Sep 12, 2004
Okay, so my computer isn't quite as up as I'd like it to be. Turns o… -
Friday Sep 03, 2004
Hooray! Finally, a week after getting here, my new computer is up … -
Tuesday Aug 24, 2004
Got my new computer all put together, even installed some of it on my… -
Saturday Aug 21, 2004
Evidently it's moving time. Everybody I know seems to be moving. I … -
Tuesday Aug 17, 2004
My brother came home from camp today. He's been counseling all summe…