Well everybody, that's all for me. I'm running out of money, and spending more time in the real world than the virtual. It was fun while it lasted. If you want to keep track of me, you can find me at rattooth_the_squirrel@yahoo.com

bubbye hun! SG land will miss you! I don't know how you can live without it. I know I can't. Good luck out in that big ol world.
good luck, godspeed, and all that jazz. kiss do good things out there in the real world, eh?
Wow, it's been a while. Classes are over, finally, and I've only got two instances of bullshit before I'm done with this semester.

So, what's everyone doing for Christmas?
I'm going home to Maui. I know, lucky me. I'm both really excited and really sad about it.

Excited: I'm a biker and I can't get enough. I'll be shipping my bike back with me so that equals hours of funfunfun riding all over the island.

Sad: I have to leave my partner here for three weeks. frown I will miss him but oh well. c'est la vie.
i went home to kentucky for almost three weeks. it was lovely. hope your holidays were fun/safe/restful, etc. when do you go back to class?
Thanksgiving break was nice. I didn't get any work done, not that I expected to. But now I have to write three 10 page papers in two weeks, the first of which was due a week ago. This ought to be fun...
Well, that weekend sure was shitty. Status friday afternoon: girlfriend-type-person fond of me, rommate really a ? but not a mad
Status now: girlfriend-type person may be just a friend-type-person, she'll have to think about it, roommate mad in a very passive-aggressive type way.

And all of this is thanks to your friend and mine: Alcohol!
Alcohol a friend or foe?

enemy of the liver thats for sure tongue
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hate people. People in general. And things. I don't really like them, either. I don't know who decided life was a blessing. Seems more like a curse to me.
I'm doing better. Not so much apathy, more D&D, and more nookie. Pretty good combination. Hopefully I'll soon be throwing Chinese food into the mix. While I wouldn't want all three elements at the same time, having them all nearby certainly is an extravagance.
while i myself have never been much for the D&D, nookie and Chinese food are pretty much addictions for me, so it sounds like a good combination to me wink
Want to know a catch 22? It may be possible to care about something when you currently don't care. But, if you don't care already, then you're not going to put effort into caring.

You can will yourself out of apathy, but only if you care to.
Apathy scares the shit out of me.
i've found myself facing a similar catch-22:

1. i find it very hard to make an effort to do anything, creative, social, sexual, etc.
2. i know that to get out of this rut, i'm going to have to make an effort to get out.
3. see figure (1).

ah, apathy...
It's been a long couple of days. Stayed up till 4 playing D&D monday, got up at quarter to seven to vote, stayed up till 2 watching election results... blah.
Had a nice mid-term break with the parents. Still sick, but getting better. Talked over school-stuff with my mom, and I decided to take a bunch of independant studies to finish off my undergrad. I'm just so sick of the normal classes, I can't stand it.
you'll miss school when you're in the real world. i do. frown

sorry you're feeling icky. i was sick a couple of weeks ago, and my boy was sick last week, and this week my little dog is sick. i think it's just that time of the year. puke

got any fun halloween plans?

i like madison. only been there once, though. i had an ex from there and went up one summer. i like the lakes. and all the boats. i was there for fourth of july. his parents were odd. that's all i remember. wink
sick frown