This was a weekend of cleaning. I went in to my grandma's kitchen and cleaned it all out. I threw some much stuff out. It was such a mess. I also raked and burned leaves. That was still the cops came and said we were burning past the hours. Damn the man for keeping us down.
I am so tempted on giving up on dating again. I went on a date last weekend and I thought it went fine. She seemed to enjoy herself. I asked her if she wanted to do something this weekend and she said she maybe busy with school and would let me know. So far I have heard nothing
I am so tempted on giving up on dating again. I went on a date last weekend and I thought it went fine. She seemed to enjoy herself. I asked her if she wanted to do something this weekend and she said she maybe busy with school and would let me know. So far I have heard nothing

Maybe this gamer thing will be a good thing