Blog is spoiled because it is about something political. If you don't want read about SB 1070 and my views on the law then
DON'T READ the rest of the blog.
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For anyone who would like a level headed view on SB 1070 I suggest you read
Midnyte's blog. She lays out her feels on it very well and I agree with that she says. Normally I don't talk about politics in my blogs but I am sick of everyone dumping on AZ because of this law. It pretty much mirrors the federal law and yet no one seems to say that when they call the AZ law racist. They make it sound like every cop out there is going to profile people. Yes I know that profiling does happen and I am strongly appose it. For them to ask you have had to of done something first. All police are getting training on how to enforce the law.
It just pisses me off that every time the immigration debate comes someone makes it seem that if you don't agree with their side totally and are willing to give amnesty you are a racist.
Would there still be protest in the streets if you replaced Canada with Mexico? No, because people are making this about race and not about the laws that we have in place and need to be enforced.
I used to work at PPP at Chandler Blvd and Dobson. It was my first job. I used to host birthday parties.
The only problem with imigration is the only reason we have this "problem" is there's a demand, like the only reason we have a drug problem is there's a demand.
If the people in the US would work for those wages under those conditions then we wouldn't have an imigration problem.
I'm going to blame it on the chinese and Walmart, because they forced the wages down so low that nobody in the US will work under the circumstances most illegal imigrants work, or will do that crap, like in delaware where I'm from they have hspanics "harvest" chickens from the chicken houses that the farmers have (for alittle extra cash for the farmer or his kids). now THAT's a nasty job - even if the chickens are debeaked. But they get paid next to nothing, have no benefits because they're "independent contractors" and it's generally something no white person will do.
THe problem with the Arizona law is it sure looks like it's racial, and if it looks like it it might as well be racial, cuz appearances are all that matter. Plus it's stupid - they'd be better off finding a bunch of illegal imigrants and calling the feds to come get them, that'd probably be more effective and save them a ton of dough.
Just like it looks like Obama's doing nothing for the Gulf. I mean - what do you WANT him to do? get out there and go down in a diving suit and put in a big plug? He made BP cough up a big honkin' chunk of change for reparations and cleanup which is about all he could do, beyond that he's gotta wait for BP and the coast guard to get it done. So he's doing stuff but you've got the Tea party etc flinging mud and going "hey, he won't let foreign ships in" when of course he will - the law they keep saying he needs to wave is for trade not skimmers. After all, look at that big tanker they've got skimming? that's flagged in the middle east.
Everything takes time - at least he was right on it, unlike Shrub, who let Louisiana dangle in the breeze after Katrina.
Anyway - whatcha gonna do.
and no - I didn't read her blog yet, but I will now.