While talking to my ex-husband yesterday afternoon the idea of moving to Colorado came up. I told him if he wanted to go I'd happily follow (we have a son together). I didn't think he was serious but then when I saw him later that night he had looked into the housing market.
This idea is so exciting to me. I need a new environment and a new start. I need to meet new people, make friends and have at least a small possibility to maybe meet someone. Where I live now is a terrible place for single people. I have chosen to stay single for the last few years but I think it is time to get out there. The hopeless romantic in me died a long time ago but the part of me that wants a relationship is starting to die too and that scares me. I don't want to become one of those bitter old women. I have had a few shitty experiences in a row that has helped kill that part of me that desired companionship. I am hoping a fresh environment will help.
Hopefully I can keep believing there is someone out there that has weird curvy edges that match mine, or at the very least someone whose crazy matches my crazy.