last night i was playing in the floor with my little one. she was hiding under a box and i was poking my head under peek-a-booing. my head got too close to our berber carpet and my fuckin' curved taper in my ear got hooked in a loop. AHHHHHH. after scrabling trying to unhook it i immeadiatly touched my ear to feel for blood. sure enough, there was blood. was a huge tear but im sure i could've fit a 8 ga or maybe even a 6 through it. (it is just 10ga now) fucking painful i tell you. i thought me poor earlobe was ripped off.
i think im just going to let it heal back up on it's on, with the taper still in it. of course this tear will probably cause some scar tissue to form making future stretching more painful. but what do i know. OH WELL. something exciting did happen this morning though when i was cleaning them. i took the taper out and i could see through my hole! i got all giddy and shit. w00t.
i HATE my birth control pills. i havent had a period since dec 5th. not preg. i took 2 tests. i have always been very regular too. i cant stand irregularity like that. my mind is a constant state of disarray as it is. i dont need anymore disorder, thanks.
these damned pills have also screwed my physically too.
i have gas and bloat all the time. (but that may be due to my high fiber intake) my hair on my head falls out like crazy. i have wads in the shower. why the fuck cant my armpit or leg hairs fall out?!? i have also have record amounts of zits on my face. as of now two on my chin and a cluster of three on my forhead. that alone is making me insane. i have NEVER had more than two at a time and that is only at the start of my period. but wait...I HAVE NO FUCKING PERIOD ANYMORE!
while im on this rampage i may as well bitch about the weather.
what the hell is next? a volcano eruption? meteor showers?
i think everyone is having some screwed up weather. mudslides floods snow tornadoes and shit. just the other day we had to go into the neighbors tornado shelter. ugh that shit is scary. tornados SUCK. and soon it will be tornado season here.
i need another profile pic. considering i don't have red hair anymore. *sniff* i dreamed i had red hair the other night. *sniff*
- two year anniversary next saturday. i wonder what my husband has planned? *hint*hint*
oh well. nothing more to say.
np: dead or alive - you spin me right round (fuckin 80s style)

i HATE my birth control pills. i havent had a period since dec 5th. not preg. i took 2 tests. i have always been very regular too. i cant stand irregularity like that. my mind is a constant state of disarray as it is. i dont need anymore disorder, thanks.
these damned pills have also screwed my physically too.
i have gas and bloat all the time. (but that may be due to my high fiber intake) my hair on my head falls out like crazy. i have wads in the shower. why the fuck cant my armpit or leg hairs fall out?!? i have also have record amounts of zits on my face. as of now two on my chin and a cluster of three on my forhead. that alone is making me insane. i have NEVER had more than two at a time and that is only at the start of my period. but wait...I HAVE NO FUCKING PERIOD ANYMORE!
while im on this rampage i may as well bitch about the weather.
what the hell is next? a volcano eruption? meteor showers?
i think everyone is having some screwed up weather. mudslides floods snow tornadoes and shit. just the other day we had to go into the neighbors tornado shelter. ugh that shit is scary. tornados SUCK. and soon it will be tornado season here.

i need another profile pic. considering i don't have red hair anymore. *sniff* i dreamed i had red hair the other night. *sniff*
- two year anniversary next saturday. i wonder what my husband has planned? *hint*hint*
oh well. nothing more to say.
np: dead or alive - you spin me right round (fuckin 80s style)
That hurts so bad! I know its happened to me before and my ear was burning for like two weeks.
Well I just heard that you are on your rag now so things are better, (and worse) now. I hate that, an equal trade od crappiness. Well at least its different.
You are still hot, so don't worry, mmm-kay? Hehe.
Damn I'm tired. NiteNite.