stress sucketh.
i HATE sallie mae. my husband pimpdaddyshaggy got a loan from them and he has paid over half of it back. we've always, pretty much always, had perfect credit with them. only been late a few times on payment. but they started calling us like 4 times a day a couple of weeks ago. bitching that we were late for octobers payment. that is fucked up, cus i SWEAR we paid that shit. so anyways, we sent a 121 dollar money order off, oct and nov. payment. but these motherfuckers kept calling even though i sent that money order off in plenty of time. called to see when the money order was cashed...on the 15th. and the fuickin payment was due the 17th. but these cocksuckers at sallie mae are saying they never recieved the money order. AHHHHHHHHHH! so some motherfucker has stolen the 121 dollar money order and cashed it. how? i have no fucking clue, considering it was made out to SALLIE MAE. orrrr sallie mae are dumb fuckers that dont have their shit in order. oh, and they already turned us in to collections. i swear someone will die before this is over. there is one thing i HATE and it is someone fucking with your money. you just dont do that shit. ecspecially when you barely have enough money to pay bills as it is. i guess we are going to have to not pay rent this we can dish out another 121 bux to these fucks. didnt pay the phone bill this month, and we're 3 payments behind on the internet bill. and there is still CHRISTMAS> FUCK FUCK FUCK. well, thankfully we have already bought our daughters christmas presents...that is the important part. but i am one of these dumb people that cannot stand the thought of recieving gifts from people if i cannot give gifts to them. i could really give a shit less if i got nothing at all. all i want is to see my daughter be happy and have fun and maybe just a lil xmas nookie from my terrypin.
i guess i just need to chill. it's the holidays...time to be jolly and gay.
*gag* i just bit into a half cooked french fry
well thanksgiving is tomorrow. i usually cook some kind of food to take to my grandparents. but i have no time...i guess i could make time. but fuck that. ill just get a pumpkin pie at walmart. pumpkin pie tastes gooood. mmm mmmm.
maybe not many people will eat it at my grannys so i can have it to myself. they can eat their nasty carrot cake and pecan pie. speaking of thanksgiving food....
turkey kind of sucks to me. it's always dry and just bland tasting. GIVE ME PORK> I NEED HAM!
dressing is disgusting too.
and that giblet is that anyways?? slime and turkey necks or something?!?
cranberry just is good, but not some sauce.
i suppose ill just munch on some pinto beans and cornbread...and pumpkin pie.
well im gonna leave you people for a few days....the hub has some holiday days off. (heh that sounds funny)
everyone have a nice gobbley gobbley day!
oh yeah...i made a wishlist
i HATE sallie mae. my husband pimpdaddyshaggy got a loan from them and he has paid over half of it back. we've always, pretty much always, had perfect credit with them. only been late a few times on payment. but they started calling us like 4 times a day a couple of weeks ago. bitching that we were late for octobers payment. that is fucked up, cus i SWEAR we paid that shit. so anyways, we sent a 121 dollar money order off, oct and nov. payment. but these motherfuckers kept calling even though i sent that money order off in plenty of time. called to see when the money order was cashed...on the 15th. and the fuickin payment was due the 17th. but these cocksuckers at sallie mae are saying they never recieved the money order. AHHHHHHHHHH! so some motherfucker has stolen the 121 dollar money order and cashed it. how? i have no fucking clue, considering it was made out to SALLIE MAE. orrrr sallie mae are dumb fuckers that dont have their shit in order. oh, and they already turned us in to collections. i swear someone will die before this is over. there is one thing i HATE and it is someone fucking with your money. you just dont do that shit. ecspecially when you barely have enough money to pay bills as it is. i guess we are going to have to not pay rent this we can dish out another 121 bux to these fucks. didnt pay the phone bill this month, and we're 3 payments behind on the internet bill. and there is still CHRISTMAS> FUCK FUCK FUCK. well, thankfully we have already bought our daughters christmas presents...that is the important part. but i am one of these dumb people that cannot stand the thought of recieving gifts from people if i cannot give gifts to them. i could really give a shit less if i got nothing at all. all i want is to see my daughter be happy and have fun and maybe just a lil xmas nookie from my terrypin.
i guess i just need to chill. it's the holidays...time to be jolly and gay.

*gag* i just bit into a half cooked french fry
well thanksgiving is tomorrow. i usually cook some kind of food to take to my grandparents. but i have no time...i guess i could make time. but fuck that. ill just get a pumpkin pie at walmart. pumpkin pie tastes gooood. mmm mmmm.
maybe not many people will eat it at my grannys so i can have it to myself. they can eat their nasty carrot cake and pecan pie. speaking of thanksgiving food....
turkey kind of sucks to me. it's always dry and just bland tasting. GIVE ME PORK> I NEED HAM!
dressing is disgusting too.
and that giblet is that anyways?? slime and turkey necks or something?!?
cranberry just is good, but not some sauce.
i suppose ill just munch on some pinto beans and cornbread...and pumpkin pie.
well im gonna leave you people for a few days....the hub has some holiday days off. (heh that sounds funny)
everyone have a nice gobbley gobbley day!
oh yeah...i made a wishlist

I know exactly what you're going through, my bills never get caught up and ppl are always calling here asking for payments on this and that ... shit thats already been taken care of, too! That sounds like a serious problem though ... u said u sent them 2 checks already in the amount of 121 a PIECE?? And they still say u didnt pay? Uhm
I hope you had a good one! C-ya around!