it is hard as fuck to keep up with everything on SG. damn. i go a few days without getting online and it takes me two days to catch up. commenting on peoples journals and such. i could imagine how hard it would be if i had alot of friends. screw that. i think that is a reason i've never had more than 7-8 friends at a time, in real life....not trying to say that people online aren't entirely get my point.
i'm glad the election is over. once again, the person i voted for won. b b b bush. OH FUCK! now i'm gonna hear it from all the bush-haters! well you guys...bush won. kerry lost. and that is that. really, i fucking hate hearing people go on and on and on about politics. god, it drives me crazy.
if anyone is thinking of leaving some stupid comment about how bush sucks or how i am retarded for voting for may as well decide against it. because i can tell you right now, i am not going to argue about some political shit on this site. and you can probably just take yourself off my friends list while you're at it. that i am through with that shit i can catch ya'll (heh i said ya'll) up with what happened the past few days.
the hay ride was nice. i think it was about as much fun as a hayride can be.
that night (sat.) we took Juli trick or treating. here everyone decided to do trick or treating the night before halloween. because of it being a school night and there are lots of church-goers around here. kinda crappy i thought.
well, Juli wore her Dumbo costume and she was actually pretty happy about it.
isn't she just so cute? she says "sucka!" (sucker)
i'll be putting more pics from the weekend in an album later tonite/ tomorrow.
i've been eating way too much chocolate lately. fuckin period. i was at walmart and saw these huge hershey bars and noticed they had the hershey cookie mint bars! holy fuck i love those things! i ate one in less than 24 hours. that is amazing for me. i usually make a bag of m&ms last a week.
watched Van Helsing the other night. i thought it was going to suck ass, but it was pretty cool. the girl vampires looked fuckin cool. the werewolves too! werewolves rock.
nothing else to say.
edited to say: i fucking hate you pro-choice bastards. oh my GOD words can't describe my hate for you. but thats ok...the news this morning makes me feel better.
another those who hate bush so fucking bad and wish they could leave the country...PLEASE PLEASE DO. wire me some fuckin gas money and i'll come help you pack!
i'm glad the election is over. once again, the person i voted for won. b b b bush. OH FUCK! now i'm gonna hear it from all the bush-haters! well you guys...bush won. kerry lost. and that is that. really, i fucking hate hearing people go on and on and on about politics. god, it drives me crazy.
if anyone is thinking of leaving some stupid comment about how bush sucks or how i am retarded for voting for may as well decide against it. because i can tell you right now, i am not going to argue about some political shit on this site. and you can probably just take yourself off my friends list while you're at it. that i am through with that shit i can catch ya'll (heh i said ya'll) up with what happened the past few days.
the hay ride was nice. i think it was about as much fun as a hayride can be.

well, Juli wore her Dumbo costume and she was actually pretty happy about it.

isn't she just so cute? she says "sucka!" (sucker)
i'll be putting more pics from the weekend in an album later tonite/ tomorrow.
i've been eating way too much chocolate lately. fuckin period. i was at walmart and saw these huge hershey bars and noticed they had the hershey cookie mint bars! holy fuck i love those things! i ate one in less than 24 hours. that is amazing for me. i usually make a bag of m&ms last a week.
watched Van Helsing the other night. i thought it was going to suck ass, but it was pretty cool. the girl vampires looked fuckin cool. the werewolves too! werewolves rock.
nothing else to say.
edited to say: i fucking hate you pro-choice bastards. oh my GOD words can't describe my hate for you. but thats ok...the news this morning makes me feel better.
another those who hate bush so fucking bad and wish they could leave the country...PLEASE PLEASE DO. wire me some fuckin gas money and i'll come help you pack!
Seana does not approve of the baby killers..AT ALL.