Hello SuicideGirls friend! This message is copied and pasted, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you, it simply means I prefer the ability to play bass as opposed to carpal-tunnel-from-re-typing! Haha!
If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.
We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!
And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...
And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on!
Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?
This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful"as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!
But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!
We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-hundred-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!
My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!
'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!
today i took out the little sister
it was rad
to the body shop and for lunch and
to the art gallery
i had a pretty sweet time
she tired me out
but i love her.
im guna go to bed caus i hsve to work at 5 in the morning fuckme.
in other news
i had a really bad hair day.
fuck.me.k.thanks and have... Read More
im ill
it fucking sucks saggy tits
anyhow i really wana go skateboarding this week
i really fancie it apparently theres a nice bowl near horshoebay
i am guna ride it!
anyhow lifes been balistic
i miss a lot of thing in my life right now but at the same time im happy i got rid of a lot of things.
I am really... Read More
Sorry I've been MIA lately. But I would love to go for tea sometime! North and West Van are far but maybe we can meet up. I also wrote down some shows :
June 1st pub 340
Whitey, ninja spy, faty maty and the yellowbelts, NUMBSKULL
99cent tacos <---- this kinda sold me
June 29th Cobalt
Rebel Spell, Vapib, Sacraporia, homewreckers
ooh and August 17th...... RIPCORDZ
let me know if you're interested, a lot of my friends aren't punks so they just don't get it.
They listen to indie which makes me mad sometimes. Apparently all you have to do is play the guitar in a mediocre fashion, sing on key most of the time and sing about sad shitty stuff.
So things have been odd
i feel like im walking in the aftermath of a storm
everything is still and silent and full of destruction and grace.
i recetly bought new skateboard
becuase my little sister used my old one an lost it
so i bought it with change,, pennies, nickles, dimes etc, a few... Read More
Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time.
I just wanted to ask you if you're going to the very last seylynn show ever on March 31st to mosh with me? It would make me very happy.
Moshing is like therapy too, wrings the bullshit out of you.