so yeah Sunday after almost everyone had left from marios
i get a call on his Cell phone
its my father XD Work had called me in. compleate bullshit!
did i go you ask? Hell no!
why the fuck am i gonna go out of my way for a $5.15/hr job that im already fugging getting damn near 40hours a week at.
well last night i got a call from the schedualing manager (yeah there are like 1000 managers there.. hell i wouldent be supprised if i am one -.-)
my only day off this week friday i have to go into work 9am-2pm joy..... at least its a short day
working a 2pm-10pmer today.... *cry*
wanna get a little Gunbound in before work lol
anyway guys take care ill be seeing you around!
so yeah Sunday after almost everyone had left from marios
i get a call on his Cell phone
its my father XD Work had called me in. compleate bullshit!
did i go you ask? Hell no!
why the fuck am i gonna go out of my way for a $5.15/hr job that im already fugging getting damn near 40hours a week at.
well last night i got a call from the schedualing manager (yeah there are like 1000 managers there.. hell i wouldent be supprised if i am one -.-)
my only day off this week friday i have to go into work 9am-2pm joy..... at least its a short day
working a 2pm-10pmer today.... *cry*
wanna get a little Gunbound in before work lol
anyway guys take care ill be seeing you around!
what was that anime you were talking something like Lovless or something like that right?
Dang! You make $5.15 an hour? That's pitiful!