I want to get my back tattoo but I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to getting things for myself. Always have to save my pennies.
you don't hear me when i come into blockbuster. i'm running up and down the aisles screaming.. i'm that girl. hahah. no, i'm not. i'm usually in my pajamas with my boyfriend, wandering the television isle, looking for the next Rome disc.

glad you enjoyed.
don't listen to those stupid rumors!!

... oh, and i wish i hadn't even started my half sleeve.. i remember when i used to like the pain.

Ohman, gotta get my mula ready! PS3 on the 17th! I have a couple friends that will help me get more, meaning I give them moniez & they buy for me since usually they only allow one per customer. I can probably get at least three. Ebay those bad boys instantly. Money! love love love
Oh man oh man oh man. Im so happy, I had to tell someone, so here I am.

I got a check from my job for over 400 dollars. For the gas I spent during academy. That means.....*drumroll*..........I will be caught up on my bills for this month! Granted, my credit cards are still there and theres always next month, but hey! This month is caught up!
Well, here is a bit of an update to my last post. So I hear Dot outside meowing loudly, nothing new I thought. I ignored it & started to clean my room like planned to see if that would work. While taking out some trash I found her, dead. She was really fresh still, hadn't gone into rigamortis. I've thrown her out before & she...
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Aww I am so sorry ;( RIP Dot. You couldn't have known that it was her time to pass, it sounds like she went really peacefully. You were good to her it seems and loved her lots. It still sucks though....however, I do not see any reason to be guilty- besides guilt is bad, you cannot change what happened. I hope you feel better kiss
So I threw out one of my cats. She was fine for years but lately she has been a bitch. It started when I changed the cat litter. I've changed the cat litter on them before & she didn't like it & told me so by peeing on the floor right in front of me. Odin, my other cat/dog doesn't care as long as I...
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i was going through my friends list blogs and i saw yours and it said:

So I threw out one of my cats. She was fine for years but lately she has been a bitch. It started when I changed the cat litter. I've changed the cat litter on them before & she didn't like it & told me...

i was like, "what a nut!!"
then i read further and realized you were actually not so much of a nut...

i never liked cats.....

Those god damn cock sucking pricks wrote me up. I fucking hate blockbuster. All they fucking do is threaten threaten threaten. Fucking assholes, if they try & chew me out I'll bite right back & offer to walk right out. Those fuckers think they can scare me with threats of firing me? Oh no, not like there are a ton of other minimum wage jobs...
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you betcha.

Win some money and come hang out with me!
oooo that sux!!! yes i will wash my pussy cat!!
I never use this thing & doubt I ever will. If you want to learn more about me just IM me or write me a message. I'm very prompt about responding. smile

It felt so good today. I love upper 80s/lower 90s weather. Yummy. Even though I had to work most of the day... Yay paycheck though!
Tomorrow is another long day. (yay paycheck again)

Remember next week we're chizillin', my homie.
Awwe, you're sweet!
I know start to save my pennies to buy land in Alaska so I can move back. Woohoo.
Guh!!! SG drives me insane!!! I hate being single! *tear*
It drives me nuts because I cannot afford any new tats, I cannot get anymore visible piercings because of my stupid job and I would much rather do something artisic rather than retail.
Yay! I got my SG playing cards and my SG poster! Happy Happy Joy Joy!