I really liked Stranger than Fiction. It was a really good movie.
Wish me luck, I have an interview at Castle Megastore today.

I'll just see ya tomorrow
I'll just see ya tomorrow
The new Rocky movie is fucking awesome!!!

I want to see it. I grew up on those movies. I own all of them. haha.
Man I need a haircut. A white man fro is a no go for me. I'm short so I just look like a midget with a huge head hahah.
if it resembles your main pic, keep it. Its adorable!
I will cut it! rahahahaaaar
And then we will add some blue!

And then we will add some blue!
This drives me up the fucking wall. I'm tired of my ex making me feel like a damn stalker. I get this random fucking myspace message of her asking me if I was emailing her mother. Wtf, no, I've only see her parents when they rent movies while I'm working. God fucking damn it! I just want to fucking vanish or just get a huge...
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obvisuosly you said ex for a reason... She is making something out of nothing just for reaction's sake. anyway fuck that... life is too short. Hope things look up for you.

I have a job interview! Let's hope Blockbuster will soon be in my past.
It's a pain in the ass to find a safe reasonably priced pressure cooker that gets up to 15psi.

posh is hot! i get to meet her next weekend. nerner nener! 

she's one of your fav's. so i noticed.
she's one of my favs too.

Man, learning how to drive sucks. I'm not a big fan of driving after being hit on my bike three times. Driving one & all the shit you have to pay attention to makes me nervous. I will be glad when it is done & over with though. 

Suck it up, dude.
(theses faces are like all my comments friends)

Greetings from Kodo and I!

Greetings from Kodo and I!
So about 5:45am I woke up because Odin, my cat, was scraping the dirt in a pot had just peed in it & was about to poop on the floor. I said "Odin, what are you doing!?" & he gave me his stressed meow. He also only pooped a little tiny bit & I could tell he was holding back. So I check his little...
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i just took my dog out on a walk and got hammered with the rain. ugh. nevermind. 

modeling and photography
I love tootimid.com. Every time they come out with a free sex toy I just have to get it. I'm also a member of their free porn DVD a month club. You can't beat just paying s/h.

hehe the 3$ is definately worth it though... i promise lol
it wouldnt be that expensive if i didnt know what i was doin! hehe
its actually quite fun! im more specialized now whereas before i had some horny disrespectful guys callin for 2 mins and then hanging up... assholes lol
now i get to talk to people who enjoy the lifestyle as much as i do! its great!
it wouldnt be that expensive if i didnt know what i was doin! hehe
its actually quite fun! im more specialized now whereas before i had some horny disrespectful guys callin for 2 mins and then hanging up... assholes lol
now i get to talk to people who enjoy the lifestyle as much as i do! its great!
heheh awesome!!! yeah no need to freak out about it.
I need to clean my room so bad. No, you have no idea how bad it has gotten. Yucky.
Yo homies, write the pen pal group & tell them to add me please! Thanks!
The Pen Pal group is currently on hold until we complete a house cleaning. After February 6th we will be accepting applications again.
~Pen Pals Owner

~Pen Pals Owner
No, I really do love Portland. I was jsut being an ass. *shrugs*