I was blowing on my coffee to cool it down a bit (cause let's face it, my tongue is more sensitive than Chris Carrabba) and as I'm doing it I notice the pattern of waves on the liquid surface looks like an old man screaming. Mouth gaping open, large, eyes clenched shut with furrowed, wrinkly brow. Even complete with fringes at the top where his...
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I have a problem.
The amount of vodka necessary to do the job appears to be increasing. It was not long ago that it didn't take much. I don't know if I've been putting on weight (which I doubt), or if drinking almost every night is just starting to increase my tolerance/resistance. I don't have that kinda money, so it better go back to working...
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Sometimes I'm ok.
Sometimes I look at my house and all I can see is how empty it is. There are still things here. My bed, TV, computer, I still have a couch, and a coffee table. My son's bed is still in his room. The bed he has slept in his entire life. There are still books on his floor, and there's junk scattered...
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And then he started screaming.
He screamed until he had to stop to take a breath, and then he kept screaming some more. He screamed until he reached the very top...
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Ill just have to wait for science to give me a cyborg body and chemically enhanced longevity, or maybe some freak meteor shower that imbues me with super strength and near invulnerability.
In the meantime Ill be working...
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my best friend is a student working on cybernetic appendages, he believes developing a true cyborg is closer than we think....
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