Lets say that one day The Devil appeared before me. He did his usual, offering a deal of some kind, "I have witnessed your hardships. What would you want that could fix your life and fulfill your hearts desire?" Knowing The Devil as I do it would not take me long to respond. "I have only care for those I love, my own suffering is...
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I have had Jameson before, but I've never bought my own bottle. Apparently I quite enjoy it. I bought this bottle last night. I worked 10 hours today. I am about halfway through the bottle now. I heavily considered putting it in my trunk when I went to work this morning too.
If you look at the things I post here they may seem pretty dreary and depressing, and to be quite honest, to some extent that's just how I am. However, Its also partly because I can say whatever I want here. On my normal profiles like Facebook for instance I can post things about my life, stuff I have going on and all that. But...
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And so we fell. And the devil stood there watching us the whole time, as we passed from fear to despair, then anger, and then into madness. And his lips curled up ever so slightly into a smile as we reached the bottom, and we landed.... in clarity.
I think rather than trying to find someone in life who "silences your demons" instead you should find someone who lets them sing. Exercise them. Not exorcise. They are a part of you. You suppress a part of yourself long enough, it will become more powerful. Push your demons down too long eventually you become them and you have to find a way to let...
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I live alone now. After 6 years of not. My biggest problem is that now all of my productivity depends on me. This is not going so well. I end up depressed a lot and very unmotivated to do more.
With that in mind I am now taking applications for a person of the female persuasion who would be willing to, either in person or...
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My brain goes back and forth regularly between being incredibly potent and nearly useless.
I can carry on three different thought chains concurrently, all individually analyzed and unrelated. I can write one thing while reading another and speaking a third and I can listen to two or three different people talking to me at the same time and answer each of their questions, though usually...
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Why do I continue creating things when my inclination is to destroy.
I made this for my son, ENTIRELY JUST because he got upset that he didnt get to play with a friends toy shield before we left their house.