I dissaprove of...
I dissaprove of small yappy dogs
I dissaprove of rainy days without notice
I dissaprove of construciton workers in bright red fuzzy sweatpants
I dissaprove of semi-permanant hair dye
I dissaprove of hot hockey players being married
I dissaprove of batton twirling in general
I dissaprove of people who don't know how to merge
I dissaprove of people touching my feet
I dissaprove of ketsup
I dissaprove of people who put ketsup on everything they eat
I dissaprove of societies denial of cupcake baking to be an extream sport
I dissaprove of those who dont appreciate the art of large scale macrame
I dissaprove of Granville Island beer
I dissaprove of coffee that burns your tongue
I dissaprove of cancelation fees
I dissaprove of cell phones that crap out before your contract allows you to get a new one
I dissaprove of shitty halloween costumes
I dissaprove of restaurants who run out of food
I dissaprove of people who dont use cupcakes as a form of currancy
I dissaprove of zebra-patterned walls
I dissaprove of talking whilst making love
I dissaprove of small yappy dogs
I dissaprove of rainy days without notice
I dissaprove of construciton workers in bright red fuzzy sweatpants
I dissaprove of semi-permanant hair dye
I dissaprove of hot hockey players being married
I dissaprove of batton twirling in general
I dissaprove of people who don't know how to merge
I dissaprove of people touching my feet
I dissaprove of ketsup
I dissaprove of people who put ketsup on everything they eat
I dissaprove of societies denial of cupcake baking to be an extream sport
I dissaprove of those who dont appreciate the art of large scale macrame
I dissaprove of Granville Island beer
I dissaprove of coffee that burns your tongue
I dissaprove of cancelation fees
I dissaprove of cell phones that crap out before your contract allows you to get a new one
I dissaprove of shitty halloween costumes
I dissaprove of restaurants who run out of food
I dissaprove of people who dont use cupcakes as a form of currancy
I dissaprove of zebra-patterned walls
I dissaprove of talking whilst making love

you're my favorite person for the next... 27 mins!
Awesome list luv.