Alright... so i know its been forever since ive "blogged"
(still cant believe the word "blog" is part of todays well known vocabulary... its right up there with "google" on the list of ridiculousness....)
I still dont have internet at home..... ive been living there for like 3 weeks now, and although Ive set it all up with telus, I STILL dont have it! Its crazy! im so pissed... its sposed to be in the post, but hasnt arrived yet... so yeah, theres my lame excuse for not "blogging" more often... haha
carrying on now.........
school started on tuesday! hip hip horray!!!! weeeee!!! so much fun!!!
i know..... big geek! right here!!! this is me bellow!!!
(yes... im holding a crab in my bathroom... but thats another story for another day my darlings!!)
woot! good mood! good mood indeed....... been a long week tho, had photo class today, looks very promising... shall go night shooting tonight around the city, to the construction sites and what not..... INDUSTRY!!!
looking forward too it.... then back home to digitise some mirror self portraits....... shall post those ridiculous things later.....
you know... the thing that really sucks about these classes... is that theyre really not too big on enforcing the prerequisites... so now i have all these morons in my classes who dont know how to work a fucking camera... and therefore we all have to waste like 2 weeks "learning how to use an SLR", and doing lame projects like taking pictures of ourselves in the mirror with the camera, so as to prove to our eacher that we know how to take a picture........ grrr!
enough of this nonsence.......
i need more coffee.
(still cant believe the word "blog" is part of todays well known vocabulary... its right up there with "google" on the list of ridiculousness....)
I still dont have internet at home..... ive been living there for like 3 weeks now, and although Ive set it all up with telus, I STILL dont have it! Its crazy! im so pissed... its sposed to be in the post, but hasnt arrived yet... so yeah, theres my lame excuse for not "blogging" more often... haha
carrying on now.........
school started on tuesday! hip hip horray!!!! weeeee!!! so much fun!!!
i know..... big geek! right here!!! this is me bellow!!!

(yes... im holding a crab in my bathroom... but thats another story for another day my darlings!!)
woot! good mood! good mood indeed....... been a long week tho, had photo class today, looks very promising... shall go night shooting tonight around the city, to the construction sites and what not..... INDUSTRY!!!
looking forward too it.... then back home to digitise some mirror self portraits....... shall post those ridiculous things later.....
you know... the thing that really sucks about these classes... is that theyre really not too big on enforcing the prerequisites... so now i have all these morons in my classes who dont know how to work a fucking camera... and therefore we all have to waste like 2 weeks "learning how to use an SLR", and doing lame projects like taking pictures of ourselves in the mirror with the camera, so as to prove to our eacher that we know how to take a picture........ grrr!
enough of this nonsence.......
i need more coffee.
awesome crab by the way!!!