Let's just say I had a piece of very good news yesterday.
You really can convince yourself of anything if you think about it hard enough. Not that I need any more encouragement to switch off my brain.
Off to see Star Wars tonight. First chance I've had. Can't believe it's taken me this long. Did consider a bit of a marathon session with Sin City, Star Wars and then back home for a bit of House of Flying Daggers action but I've got to be up at 7.30 tomorrow for the first game of the Lions tour and I'm still playing catch up with the sandman.
Got some friends coming up for the weekend otherwise I'd think about heading down to the smoke for the Scala event but once again I'll have to take a raincheck and read all about how good it was in other people's journals
oh well, there's always next time
Not a lot of people know that: I'm descended from famous spies and pirates and there's an Indian princess in my family tree
You really can convince yourself of anything if you think about it hard enough. Not that I need any more encouragement to switch off my brain.
Off to see Star Wars tonight. First chance I've had. Can't believe it's taken me this long. Did consider a bit of a marathon session with Sin City, Star Wars and then back home for a bit of House of Flying Daggers action but I've got to be up at 7.30 tomorrow for the first game of the Lions tour and I'm still playing catch up with the sandman.
Got some friends coming up for the weekend otherwise I'd think about heading down to the smoke for the Scala event but once again I'll have to take a raincheck and read all about how good it was in other people's journals

Not a lot of people know that: I'm descended from famous spies and pirates and there's an Indian princess in my family tree
Where aboots in NZ are you off to? I've spent quite a lot of time there as half my family decided to pick up sticks and live there. Lovely place. But the steaming random rocks disturb me somewhat.
Yes. Hello you.