We brought home our beagle from surgery the other day.I feel bad that I can't let her do the things she loves most like playing, jumping and running, but it's only two weeks that she has to stay calm.We're thinking of adopting another dog from the scpca, a beautiful liver spot dalmation.She's 7 years old and sadly has heartworm.Dogs like that are often put to sleep ecause heartworm treatment is so expensive.We'd like to give her a good home, but we have to wait untill Cate heals from her surgery before we can even begin to think about adopting another dog.I finally got around to reading thePunk Planet article on punk porn.I think it was pretty interesting.That magazine is always thought provoking, even though I seldom agree w/ their politics.THe very irst issue I ever bought feaured a story about Brian Deneke.The aniversary of his death was this month, so for anyone who happens to read my journal and isn't familiar w/ this tragic story please check out briandeneke.org.
If you want to read my whole explanation go back to the thread...
for the link not working
[Edited on Jan 05, 2003]
Hope things are going well - S.