How to make a simple life complex:
1. Be "interested" in more than one girl.
2. Kiss and cuddle one girl (A) at a friends party....a friend that you also happen to like as "more than a friend" (B)
3. Starting texting said girl (A), and signing xx after each text, because she does.
4. Get asked out for a date by the friend that you fancy (B).
5. Go to another party with different friends a week later and see someone else you fancy (C).
6. Get offered to go and see Bright Eyes with that someone else (C), on her expense...but politely decline.
7. Spend an hour on the phone to (C) after the gig talking about everything except the subject that we should be.....
8. Spend two hours on MSN to a girl I know through a forum that lives about half a mile away (D) where both reveal personal secrets that you'd only do to someone you were trying to get close to.
9. Catch my bus to work with (E), (F), (G) and (H).
Pretty useless, huh?
Knowing me, I'll just get hammered one night and end up with someone random.....
How to make a simple life complex:
1. Be "interested" in more than one girl.
2. Kiss and cuddle one girl (A) at a friends party....a friend that you also happen to like as "more than a friend" (B)
3. Starting texting said girl (A), and signing xx after each text, because she does.
4. Get asked out for a date by the friend that you fancy (B).
5. Go to another party with different friends a week later and see someone else you fancy (C).
6. Get offered to go and see Bright Eyes with that someone else (C), on her expense...but politely decline.
7. Spend an hour on the phone to (C) after the gig talking about everything except the subject that we should be.....
8. Spend two hours on MSN to a girl I know through a forum that lives about half a mile away (D) where both reveal personal secrets that you'd only do to someone you were trying to get close to.
9. Catch my bus to work with (E), (F), (G) and (H).
Pretty useless, huh?
Knowing me, I'll just get hammered one night and end up with someone random.....

You sound highly confused there, why is my life never this 'interesting'?
...Tell you what I'll make you the once in a life time offer of taking several of them of your hands, thus simplifing you increasingly tangled life