Jeckyl and Hyde.
That's he only way to describe the night that I have just had. It started off great - really chilled out seeing four great local bands in an ancient church. Cold, but atmospheric.
And then....
The walk onto a bar after the gig changed everything. This is kinda like Lost Season 4 changing everything. I was wih two friends and a large group were ahead of us - one of the two I was with needed to get some money from an ATM....but as he walked down towards it, it all kicked off. He was safe - not involved at all, but the sickening primal instincts of drunken "men" took hold and before you knew it there was a man lying prone on the floor with his head bleeding profusely.
I just clicked into action - one friend attended to him before I ran screaming for a qualified first aider - two ladies ran to help. My friend was calling for police and an ambulance, but I was looking into the centre for any on "pub duty"....there were none.
So, I went back - went into a bar and got a towel for the guys head and came out. By this point, the police were there. Five police for what was still an aggressive gathering. I made sure the guy was okay, and then redirected a string of cars and taxis back down the road as this shit wasn't going to clear quickly. I noticed that the towel I'd got was full of blood (the guy was speaking by now, though not exactly coherently) so I asked the police if they had a fresh one....they didn't, which was fucking shocking to be honest.
And then.....then Iwas fucking violated. Well, my mind was.....some utter cunt threatened me. Not an off the cuff run of the mill threat but a violent threat....something that was meant to make me feel afraid of him, to fear for my safety. And, it worked.....even with a policeman right behind me I felt that he was prepared to go for me.
Stupidly, I stood up to him....silent....hardly menacing but acknowledging him. Thankfully, my friend (6'5") got in front of me and took me away. I think I was just shocked into being a statue to this guy. After my friend took me away, all of us left - without giving a statement because of the immediate threat of having our faces imprinted on the memories of these violent wankers that probably had something to do with this guy lying prone on the floor....this guy lying prone that I'd helped/....possibly even helped save his life.....this guy that had apparently got his head kicked in because he racially abused someone.
This world is fucking mental and tonight was a perfect example as to why it should be law that all alcohol must be sold with a 25% sedative content.
That's he only way to describe the night that I have just had. It started off great - really chilled out seeing four great local bands in an ancient church. Cold, but atmospheric.
And then....
The walk onto a bar after the gig changed everything. This is kinda like Lost Season 4 changing everything. I was wih two friends and a large group were ahead of us - one of the two I was with needed to get some money from an ATM....but as he walked down towards it, it all kicked off. He was safe - not involved at all, but the sickening primal instincts of drunken "men" took hold and before you knew it there was a man lying prone on the floor with his head bleeding profusely.
I just clicked into action - one friend attended to him before I ran screaming for a qualified first aider - two ladies ran to help. My friend was calling for police and an ambulance, but I was looking into the centre for any on "pub duty"....there were none.
So, I went back - went into a bar and got a towel for the guys head and came out. By this point, the police were there. Five police for what was still an aggressive gathering. I made sure the guy was okay, and then redirected a string of cars and taxis back down the road as this shit wasn't going to clear quickly. I noticed that the towel I'd got was full of blood (the guy was speaking by now, though not exactly coherently) so I asked the police if they had a fresh one....they didn't, which was fucking shocking to be honest.
And then.....then Iwas fucking violated. Well, my mind was.....some utter cunt threatened me. Not an off the cuff run of the mill threat but a violent threat....something that was meant to make me feel afraid of him, to fear for my safety. And, it worked.....even with a policeman right behind me I felt that he was prepared to go for me.
Stupidly, I stood up to him....silent....hardly menacing but acknowledging him. Thankfully, my friend (6'5") got in front of me and took me away. I think I was just shocked into being a statue to this guy. After my friend took me away, all of us left - without giving a statement because of the immediate threat of having our faces imprinted on the memories of these violent wankers that probably had something to do with this guy lying prone on the floor....this guy lying prone that I'd helped/....possibly even helped save his life.....this guy that had apparently got his head kicked in because he racially abused someone.
This world is fucking mental and tonight was a perfect example as to why it should be law that all alcohol must be sold with a 25% sedative content.
Thanks for the birthday wishes love