The weekend was a bit, not that kind of messy

Just that it went on and on and just when you think you're safe for a few hours you get that little chirp from the mobile phone and you know just what the question will be and you'll read it despite making a pact with your brain that you would not do it any more damage....and your willpower just dies and you crumble in and end up going out a good 3 or 4 hours earlier than you'd intended.
Well, I did that Friday, Saturday and stories to tell, just a fun three days with some good friends.
Monday was a bank holiday, so we decided it would be a good idea to actually do something. So, we went on a picnic and a walk....
....which left us pretty damn shattered.
Nevertheless, we reconvened later on and went on a Ghost Walk. We weren't too sure what we were getting ourselves into at first. About 60 people turned up just before some weird kind of flash mob. We all paid our money and got split into two groups and the walk began.
It basically entailed walking around the older parts of Leicester with a tour guide who told some ghost stories and ghostly incidents about buildings we pretty much walk past everyday....and as it got darker, the tales grew a touch more chilling and gruesomer.
All in all, a good way to spend an evening rather than getting drunk again!!!! It's pretty much sorted out our Halloween, as they run a Ghost Stories night at the local Guildhall (which is haunted by at least two ghosts anyway...) on Halloween itself - with a nice big log fire, dimmed lights and a guy that knows how to spin a ghost story.
More culture from now on, that's for sure!
I looooooove ghost walks
They're so much fun!