And so Tuesday came and I managed to half deal with the problem.
The bitch from hell basically found out about my plans to start another club night - she didn't find out that I'd been planning to ask Zack to come along too, thus ditching her and leaving her on her own without any equipment.
But she wants to continue it....and Zack is too busy at work to reply to his emails at the moment, so I don't know exactly what he wants to do, though I assume he'd be with me considering that his fiancee is one of the people that has been bad mouthed. Plus, the contract with the venue is in his name, so he can end it after the next night before a new contract is drawn up.....and I can get a new contract drawn up in my name, possibly hijacking those nights.
Devious? Perhaps....though we're contracted to monthly Saturday nights and moving forward Fridays are more our thing.
The funniest thing of the day though was when I replied to Sam after quitting when she asked "Do you mind if we carry on?" with "Why wouldn't I?"....well, she then followed that up with "Well, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...."
Oh my god! Like suddenly people's feelings matter to her, and especially mine who is starting the social cleansing of her from my life.
I've yet to send the email to her - I might just not bother and just send all her emails to be permanently deleted and ask the phone companies to bar her number. Might work. Don't want the confrontation just yet - I just want to move on and spend some time with friends I haven't spent nearly enough time with this year.
And so, life goes on and my head needs to stop spinning with vitriol!
The bitch from hell basically found out about my plans to start another club night - she didn't find out that I'd been planning to ask Zack to come along too, thus ditching her and leaving her on her own without any equipment.
But she wants to continue it....and Zack is too busy at work to reply to his emails at the moment, so I don't know exactly what he wants to do, though I assume he'd be with me considering that his fiancee is one of the people that has been bad mouthed. Plus, the contract with the venue is in his name, so he can end it after the next night before a new contract is drawn up.....and I can get a new contract drawn up in my name, possibly hijacking those nights.
Devious? Perhaps....though we're contracted to monthly Saturday nights and moving forward Fridays are more our thing.
The funniest thing of the day though was when I replied to Sam after quitting when she asked "Do you mind if we carry on?" with "Why wouldn't I?"....well, she then followed that up with "Well, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings...."
Oh my god! Like suddenly people's feelings matter to her, and especially mine who is starting the social cleansing of her from my life.
I've yet to send the email to her - I might just not bother and just send all her emails to be permanently deleted and ask the phone companies to bar her number. Might work. Don't want the confrontation just yet - I just want to move on and spend some time with friends I haven't spent nearly enough time with this year.
And so, life goes on and my head needs to stop spinning with vitriol!
It's always best to act after you've had some time to settle down