pt. 2
It's a story worth faking. Such was the power of destiny forsaking those that had gone before me, the claim had been passed over many times before I stepped into the fold. And the fold creased me over into a tiny space where I succumbed to the gravity of continuity.
Nevertheless, I moved forward....and onward. The daily thrust of the joust of proactivity kept me moving ever forward....
It's 5.40am....why am I writing this?
It's a story worth faking. Such was the power of destiny forsaking those that had gone before me, the claim had been passed over many times before I stepped into the fold. And the fold creased me over into a tiny space where I succumbed to the gravity of continuity.
Nevertheless, I moved forward....and onward. The daily thrust of the joust of proactivity kept me moving ever forward....
It's 5.40am....why am I writing this?