Ahoy hoy....
Yes, Tuesday. Also known as the day that I forgot to set my alarm clock and woke up on the dot of the time I was due into work. One quick phonecall "Yadda, yadda, overslept.....see you in an hour" and that was my lunchbreak sorted! I love flexible working.....and am eternally thankful that I live a 15 minute walk from work (except when it's raining when I wish it was a 1 minute walk....).
Today I was mainly measuring my boss's office for new furniture and assessing building security - ooooo....exciting. And easy....except when it comes to the furniture my boss was just changing her mind with every turn of the page of our furniture suppliers. I wish I'd paid attention in woodwork now as I would seriously have considered making it for her!!! I knew exactly what she damn well wanted, but our suppliers didn't.....bloody professionals!!!
So, yeah, that was one stress I could have done without this week....but my job is all about on the spot exciting little challenges like this. And next week I'm supposedly getting a 71" Plasma screen that is sat in my office installed in our boardroom!
I'd rather just bring it home in all honesty.....
And to add to all the stress, I had a massive email confrontation with a friend that I DJ with and had also been on holiday with - she basically climbed up onto the roof of the apartment when she was drunk (total idiocy as we'd lost a friend this year who fell over while walking on the sidewalk and died instantly - from 5 floors up she wouldn't have stood a chance). We run a night once a month with all proceeds going to the trust fund set up in honour of our friend and she wanted to take money out of money we'd taken to pay for a banner that we don't really need - my opinion is that we should fund that ourself as it's not really a promotional tool. I was quite happy to pay one third of the costs as is the third member of our DJ crew...
...but no, she claims she's so penniless that she can't afford even that and blew her top when I suggested she sacrificed two packets of cigarettes next month to pay for it!
Gah! She's essentially a decent person, but totally fucked up with priorities and other peoples feelings when she doesn't get her way.
Oh well, rant over - I'm drinking diet coke and have a 7 year old bottle of red wine (a Spanish Tempranillo if you must ask, pretty much the same wine I was buying for a quarter of the price in Barcelona!!) sat waiting for me and the silliness board to be silly on all night!!!
Plus, I might do some writing later too.....if you want to know anything about my novel, just message me
Note to self: I must remember to set my alarm tonight
Yes, Tuesday. Also known as the day that I forgot to set my alarm clock and woke up on the dot of the time I was due into work. One quick phonecall "Yadda, yadda, overslept.....see you in an hour" and that was my lunchbreak sorted! I love flexible working.....and am eternally thankful that I live a 15 minute walk from work (except when it's raining when I wish it was a 1 minute walk....).
Today I was mainly measuring my boss's office for new furniture and assessing building security - ooooo....exciting. And easy....except when it comes to the furniture my boss was just changing her mind with every turn of the page of our furniture suppliers. I wish I'd paid attention in woodwork now as I would seriously have considered making it for her!!! I knew exactly what she damn well wanted, but our suppliers didn't.....bloody professionals!!!
So, yeah, that was one stress I could have done without this week....but my job is all about on the spot exciting little challenges like this. And next week I'm supposedly getting a 71" Plasma screen that is sat in my office installed in our boardroom!

I'd rather just bring it home in all honesty.....
And to add to all the stress, I had a massive email confrontation with a friend that I DJ with and had also been on holiday with - she basically climbed up onto the roof of the apartment when she was drunk (total idiocy as we'd lost a friend this year who fell over while walking on the sidewalk and died instantly - from 5 floors up she wouldn't have stood a chance). We run a night once a month with all proceeds going to the trust fund set up in honour of our friend and she wanted to take money out of money we'd taken to pay for a banner that we don't really need - my opinion is that we should fund that ourself as it's not really a promotional tool. I was quite happy to pay one third of the costs as is the third member of our DJ crew...
...but no, she claims she's so penniless that she can't afford even that and blew her top when I suggested she sacrificed two packets of cigarettes next month to pay for it!
Gah! She's essentially a decent person, but totally fucked up with priorities and other peoples feelings when she doesn't get her way.
Oh well, rant over - I'm drinking diet coke and have a 7 year old bottle of red wine (a Spanish Tempranillo if you must ask, pretty much the same wine I was buying for a quarter of the price in Barcelona!!) sat waiting for me and the silliness board to be silly on all night!!!
Plus, I might do some writing later too.....if you want to know anything about my novel, just message me

Note to self: I must remember to set my alarm tonight
Thank you for the breakfast glass of wine.. Goes great with fruit loops 

Hmm thinking of spain in the morning isnt such a bad thing now is it?