hey kids...
yeah, so yesterday was cool. did some shopping for my little sis who's in AZ, and apparently so broke they don't have a lot of food, but she got a new puppy!! so instead of sending her money, i am mailing a 35-lb box of food i bought at a store in federal way called Stupid Prices. i'm not kidding. the best part was while i was in the store, over the intercom a cashier says, "attention stupid customers...", then pauses, gasps, laughs, "uuhh...stupid price customers?" the rambling went on, but i was too busy laughing. then i went to the dollar store and got some other stuff to send her. i'm also including some recipes by me and tips on how to stretch meals. her bf is going to harley school down there, and even with them both working, ends are not quite meeting. i want her to be ableto afford her insulin, so this food will be handy for her for a little bit. i love her a lot, she's been a good little sis to have.
just so you know, anytime i refer to a sister or brother, they're not my true siblings. i adopt people. there's one on my couch right now, and i live with one too.
the bbq. ah....the bbq. packed up the bratzilla, and a few salads i whipped up in under and hour to meet MrDeity , Dr_Phibes, Trevallion, caveintokisses, SupremePizzaMan, and MisterSatan to watch the madness that is the people of the world, while we roasted brats and argued about how smores should be done. i think a couple of them were surprised at my mouth, but most weren't. just wait, it gets better. i tried to bribe my daughter to ask a strange guy if he was elmo. i even held out for $2, but she wouldn't do it. she conned satan into swinging her on the swing forever, and SPM tried his moves on cavekissy. it was DARLING. the always quiet Phibes was agast at the smart remarks i kept making.
and i SWEAR!! once again!! if i could have a crush on someone, it would be that cute little navy boy, Trevallion . please, someone snap him up! he is too cute for words. drool. his pic does not do hiim justice, and just like a few of my fav SGSeattle kids, he's mild-mannered. just like Phibes, for all his snarky comments, is a rad dude.
don't worry, MrDeity , you are still, you know.... *winkywink*
these guys are so lucky i'm not attractive to them, or it's be so on.
yeah, so yesterday was cool. did some shopping for my little sis who's in AZ, and apparently so broke they don't have a lot of food, but she got a new puppy!! so instead of sending her money, i am mailing a 35-lb box of food i bought at a store in federal way called Stupid Prices. i'm not kidding. the best part was while i was in the store, over the intercom a cashier says, "attention stupid customers...", then pauses, gasps, laughs, "uuhh...stupid price customers?" the rambling went on, but i was too busy laughing. then i went to the dollar store and got some other stuff to send her. i'm also including some recipes by me and tips on how to stretch meals. her bf is going to harley school down there, and even with them both working, ends are not quite meeting. i want her to be ableto afford her insulin, so this food will be handy for her for a little bit. i love her a lot, she's been a good little sis to have.
just so you know, anytime i refer to a sister or brother, they're not my true siblings. i adopt people. there's one on my couch right now, and i live with one too.
the bbq. ah....the bbq. packed up the bratzilla, and a few salads i whipped up in under and hour to meet MrDeity , Dr_Phibes, Trevallion, caveintokisses, SupremePizzaMan, and MisterSatan to watch the madness that is the people of the world, while we roasted brats and argued about how smores should be done. i think a couple of them were surprised at my mouth, but most weren't. just wait, it gets better. i tried to bribe my daughter to ask a strange guy if he was elmo. i even held out for $2, but she wouldn't do it. she conned satan into swinging her on the swing forever, and SPM tried his moves on cavekissy. it was DARLING. the always quiet Phibes was agast at the smart remarks i kept making.
and i SWEAR!! once again!! if i could have a crush on someone, it would be that cute little navy boy, Trevallion . please, someone snap him up! he is too cute for words. drool. his pic does not do hiim justice, and just like a few of my fav SGSeattle kids, he's mild-mannered. just like Phibes, for all his snarky comments, is a rad dude.
don't worry, MrDeity , you are still, you know.... *winkywink*
these guys are so lucky i'm not attractive to them, or it's be so on.


Hell no. You best be out there making my money.