i just woke up about 20 minutes ago. accidentally dumped a tray of ice onto the floor trying to get some ice water.
my feet are cold.
got my coffee, and my shirt on. doing goos so far. had a dream that was a bit frightening where i was screaming at my mom at the top of my lungs, and punky brewster and alyssa milano were talking to bill cosby about the set of their shows being haunted.
no more tater tots for me at night. wow.
my feet are cold.
got my coffee, and my shirt on. doing goos so far. had a dream that was a bit frightening where i was screaming at my mom at the top of my lungs, and punky brewster and alyssa milano were talking to bill cosby about the set of their shows being haunted.
no more tater tots for me at night. wow.
I've had some freaky dreams over the years myself; although I can't remember thel ast one. I do remember having a dream a while ago about the Virgin Mary appearing as a miricle over the Wal-Mart where I worked....except after a few days the miracle image began to turn into an advertisement for Coke
Thanks for that.
You certainly know how to make a guy feel good about a few of the things he does like about himself.