fri- hung out with one of fav peeps, MrDeity , and we ate some crappy cobbler i made and watched red vs blue. my cat wasn't too sure about him.
sat- went to a rennisance fair out in gig harbor. it was rad. i dressed up as a gypsy, and was asked to read someone's hand. it was cool.
sun- hung out with my closest gal pal, and we moved all my fish, houseplants, and my girls. i only lost one little neon tetra. i am very relieved, as i was worried about my bloody parrot chiclids, who're worth easily $50 a piece, at the size, beauty, and color thay are.
today- call on a job, and find the couch underneath all my crap. you see, everytime i go to mom's, i have another carload of shit i gotta take home. and i have NO idea what's in these boxes as she decided to pack them.
but on the good side, i'm happy.
sat- went to a rennisance fair out in gig harbor. it was rad. i dressed up as a gypsy, and was asked to read someone's hand. it was cool.
sun- hung out with my closest gal pal, and we moved all my fish, houseplants, and my girls. i only lost one little neon tetra. i am very relieved, as i was worried about my bloody parrot chiclids, who're worth easily $50 a piece, at the size, beauty, and color thay are.
today- call on a job, and find the couch underneath all my crap. you see, everytime i go to mom's, i have another carload of shit i gotta take home. and i have NO idea what's in these boxes as she decided to pack them.
but on the good side, i'm happy.
Stuff is just...stuff, you know?

Why's it always all about you, huh?