i am moving!!!! one floor up and across the hall! the view is a little worse, and there's no place to put anything in the shower, but other than that, everything is an improvement. no more bunkbeds!!! there is now only ONE roomate (whom i adore) and a DOOR between our beds! well.. technically i have the living room, so one has to walk by my bed to get to the kitchen/bathroom/her bedroom, but it's still the shit. and no neat freak 3rd roomate who sprays lysol compulsively and takes hour long showers at 3am. fuck yeah. there's even a dining table, so we can have ppl over for eating and drinking and such.. i LOVE IT. AND there's a big mantle where i can set up still lifes (lives?) and such for class.
AND i got all my laundry done today. i am teh awesome.
and i apologise for the really mundane blogs.. i suckz0rz
AND i got all my laundry done today. i am teh awesome.
and i apologise for the really mundane blogs.. i suckz0rz

the real samitha