mood: avoidant, obsessed
i have decided to devote myself to asian cinema. fully. completely. i will eat breathe and fuck asian cinema. there's just nothing out there that could be any better. i really hope they pick a phenomenal asian actress to be kabuki. i will cry and probably die a little on the inside if they butcher that movie. those comics are part of the reason i went to art school.
i have decided to devote myself to asian cinema. fully. completely. i will eat breathe and fuck asian cinema. there's just nothing out there that could be any better. i really hope they pick a phenomenal asian actress to be kabuki. i will cry and probably die a little on the inside if they butcher that movie. those comics are part of the reason i went to art school.

do you by chance have my phone number saved in your phone? i got a very strange phonecall last night from someones pocket or purse or something in your area code.

"eat breathe and fuck asian cinema" hahaha