i just got back from vegas and holy crapitty. SO MUCH FUN. seriously, i think i might be on fun overload.. or it could just be a hangover and i'll be ready to go back in a few hours. i am SO giddy right now. also a little angry, bc the class i got up at 6 this morning in order to fly back and attend (after going to bed at 330) was CANCELLED. mother. and i lost 20 bucks on the roulette wheel. but even that was pretty bitchin.
OOH, and i had a revelation: two men doing homoerotic things isn't gross ALL the time: they just have to be completely shaven acrobats that can balance each other in the air in strange and wonderful poses (Le Reve is fucking fantastic.. and very gay.. and VERY hot)
i LOVE my friends for inviting me. it was just what i needed to get me thru the rest of the semester. PLUS: BEST THING EVAR: they got me a signed pic of kate mulgrew. let's just say there was a party in my pants in the star trek store. omg, mates, omg. so pretty... so so pretty...
ok, i have to go to sleep before i asplode, i just wanted to communicate the extreme level of giddy. maximum capacity.
i just got back from vegas and holy crapitty. SO MUCH FUN. seriously, i think i might be on fun overload.. or it could just be a hangover and i'll be ready to go back in a few hours. i am SO giddy right now. also a little angry, bc the class i got up at 6 this morning in order to fly back and attend (after going to bed at 330) was CANCELLED. mother. and i lost 20 bucks on the roulette wheel. but even that was pretty bitchin.
OOH, and i had a revelation: two men doing homoerotic things isn't gross ALL the time: they just have to be completely shaven acrobats that can balance each other in the air in strange and wonderful poses (Le Reve is fucking fantastic.. and very gay.. and VERY hot)
i LOVE my friends for inviting me. it was just what i needed to get me thru the rest of the semester. PLUS: BEST THING EVAR: they got me a signed pic of kate mulgrew. let's just say there was a party in my pants in the star trek store. omg, mates, omg. so pretty... so so pretty...
ok, i have to go to sleep before i asplode, i just wanted to communicate the extreme level of giddy. maximum capacity.
Sounds awesome......