i find it to be the irony of ironies that on a day in which i abhor myself, i see beauty greater than ever before when i look in the mirror. today i am the most beautiful i have ever been. i wish i could remember how to feel this one positive among thousands of negatives. i wish i could call it up at will....
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You really are a fantastic writer. I love the way you worded that.
thanx girls! good to know i'm talented while sulky biggrin
i miss nurse kaye!why are perfect people never permanent? ...i suppose it's because nothing's permanent and no one's perfect.
i just had the worst experience and i so wanted her to be here to take care of me...
i was on my way to pick up my new computer which is about a mile's walk, and my vision started to blur a little. i kept...
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i apologize greatly for all the improper verb tenses! wow that's annoying..
im sorry to hear about the migrane frown im happy to hear about the date, though! congrats!
I'm going to pick up my new laptop at the apple store today! YAY
I have a 146 dollar bill from Sprint even though I only had their phone for a day and took it back bc it didn't work in my room. BOO... I hate shit like this bc I am no good with asserting myself. I KNOW i should get this money back...
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come visit agaiinnn
you know im an aries too smile
ok. um. i'm confused.
somehow i both washed and dried my clothes without noticing that there was a trojan 'for her pleasure' condom somewhere in there AND NOW MY DESPERATELY NEEDED CLEAN CLOTHES ALL SMELL LIKE SEX because of course it broke. i think that's ironic, but i'm not sure how because it's late and the screen is kind of swimming in a miasma of...
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Im flattered by your message.
Im running out the door to work right now, but I promise I will reply.
you really know your condoms... i love kinky chicks. so when are you coming to SF? i hope you still smell like sex. it's kind of a turn-on. hee hee. oh, and i thought you would like this pic i found on a friend of a friend's myspace page. Are you on myspace?

i love the boots
i need some advice.

i need a new laptop.. i though i wanted an imac, but it turns out i don't have enough space for a desktop, so yeah.. something portable that i can do art and games on that will be easy to keep uncluttered. i was thinking alienware or ibook? i don't care whether it's mac or pc... just need...
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I tend to chuckle at stars whose careers go down the toilet. One of my friends at college was the son of Robert Urich. His biggest claim to fame was a private detective in the 80s show, Spencer for Hire. My dad and I watched that all the time. But you may know him as the host of such shows as Fox's "When Animals Attack."

I myself am currently lusting after a macbook. There's a pro version, but for my needs, the plain version is sufficient as well as in my price range ($1099, but before necessary memory upgrades). The plus side to the Macbook is that it can run both the Mac operating system, OS X, and Windows. It can't do it at the same time, though. You have to boot into one or the other. But still, that's a lot of computing flexibility.

The problem, though, is this: there have been a multitude of quality control problems with the first batch. The laptop sometimes turns off when you plug _in_ the power cord. Some of the plastics under the palm rests become grossly discolored. Some have shipped with a plastic strip still in place (it was temporary and supposed to be removed), causing some overheating problems.

Other than that, though. I have three friends who all have Macbook pros, and they have nothing but praise for the machine.

You know what, though. I would recommend that you post a thread in both the PC Users group and the Mac Users group. You'll get quite a few recommendations in either group.
i have arrived!
i'm still excited, but a little less elated, because there's the potential for one more roomate and that would just freak my shit right the fuck out. as it stands, at least there's a door between me and my current roomate most of the time. but if another arrives, we will be sharing bunkbeds. BUNKBEDS, PPL! am i 6 years old again?...
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Bunkbeds ! Oh no. Well maybe your roommate with be amazing hot and you two can just make one bed out of the bunk beds wink
wow. ok. i apologize profusely for drinking and computing. i'm a retard.

on a brighter note: i am SO CLOSE to SF... i'm in Sebastopol right now. i have to go check in and see my room tomorrow. then i was hoping for some fun and freedom for a while until i have to do school-related shiat, but NO! my mother is trying to sabotage...
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whee! you're so close by!
you were so cute smile You can drink and type anytime girl smile
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.so durnk... opening randim winsoes with my awkward typong. lol
k. ti;;l be back on the twenty first of august. in SF!!!!!!!
i love you all.
sven rocks. he got me so drunk and with so mamy girs around... no making out, but that's ok... svennie is ,my fucking hero.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. luv and hugs,

You should go to the SG show in San Fran on Sep 15th. I would love to see you there.
thanks y'all!

oooh, SG show. sounds totally yummy
i just stumbled upon something that will probably haunt my sleep..
Body Modification Ezine..
have you ever seen anyone with 2 penises? HAVE YOU? i am penis-shy to begin with. also the thought of a scalpel anywhere near my cherryblossom of love makes me want to purchase a medieval chastity belt off of ebay. so imagine my reaction when i see a man's penis cut...
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ok now I have to go look even though it will probably haunt me.
The internet has taught me I am not even slightly kinky. The extreme fetishes people are into makes me look like a school girl.
I have spent way more time than I'd like to admit looking at freakish things like that online. It's like a car wreck at first-you don't want to look and you know you shouldn't, but you just can't help it....and then it becomes a bit of an obsession once you've seen enough to numb yourself. Or, at least, that's how it is for me. I've looked at BME before- did you check out what they have on suspension? That's an interesting practice.

What I find even more interesting than the crazy things that people do to themselves, is the crazy things that nature does to people...goiters the size of beach balls, tumors bigger than the people they're attached to, parasitic twins, stone babies, harlequin fetus, ancephelo-fuckIforgothowtospellit. A couple of hour of researching stuff like that and you'll be forever glad just to be in your own skin.

And, thankyou so much for mentioning my work. It was awesome to get so many comments from you. kiss

P.S. "cherryblossom of love" is the funniest term ever.
i am back.
i did not kill or even maim a single family member.
i am hella proud of myself.

i am anxious about school. i have defensive measures like some kind of reptile. when threatened, i coil myself up tightly and eschew motion. it takes me a while to get moving again. to force blood and emotions to flow normally. the problem is, i...
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what school are you going to?
academy of art university!

is it one of those schools where the locals all hate the students cuz they're pretentious little shits?
that would suck hardcore frown
thanks for the comments, ladies. makes me feel REAL special smile

so i will not be here for awhile. i AM going on a trip and i SHALL neither strangle nor pummel any of my family members. my willpower will be unshakeable. we're going to 'the island', so called (i believe) cuz it's the largest in s.e. alaska. there awaits a trailer with no running water....
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Are you back yet? I saw you logged into Myspace today ^^
hope the trip went well and that no one in your family fell victim to your wrath
