So I was listening to Tom Waits yesterday,a song called "House Where Nobody Lives" and it is a really beautiful song.I actually got a little teary eyed while listening to it.It's from the album Mule Variations if you wanted to check it out.I put my two favorite excerpts below that i really liked a lot.
..."So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
Don't trade it for gold..."
"...If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love...
It ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives..."
Also my friend Mark and myself found ourselves watching a Degrassi marathon until six in the morning.I don't know if its just me but does everything seem to go wrong in that show?Its ridiculous but i couldn't turn away.It was like i was being hypnotized by a yellow swan forcing me to take on the problems of fictional characters.
..."So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
Don't trade it for gold..."
"...If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love...
It ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives..."
Also my friend Mark and myself found ourselves watching a Degrassi marathon until six in the morning.I don't know if its just me but does everything seem to go wrong in that show?Its ridiculous but i couldn't turn away.It was like i was being hypnotized by a yellow swan forcing me to take on the problems of fictional characters.
and seriously? you watched all of it?! punch that swan in the face next time (unless you actually enjoyed it)