Finals are finally over. I am getting so anxious for my grades! So far, I have gotten an A+ in Hebrew, but that was expected because I knew Hebrew before going into that class. I just have 2 psych grades to find out but I am so nervous! But last night, I kinda felt better... this is why...
Me and my boyfriend Brian went out to lunch at Panda express yesterday. When I opened my fortune cookies, I got the best fortune I could get for this time, "Your hard work is about to pay off". I was so stoked off it and texted my friends and it gave me a little boost, even though it's just a little piece of paper, it was nice to see that and make me feel like maybe all the hard work I put into this quarter will pay off and I'll get good grades. But that's not all... my parents wanted to take us to dinner and my dad really wanted Chinese food, so we just said ok, we can have Chinese food 2 times today, lol. So we ate and when we were getting the check I showed my mom the fortune I got from earlier and she thought that was really cool. Then, I picked up a random fortune cookie on the table and opened it and my fortune said, "Your hard work is about to pay off!" HOW FUCKING CRAZY IS THAT!!!! I couldn't believe it! Everyone at the tables fortunes were completely different but I got the SAME fortune I got earlier at a completely different restaurant with completely different fortune cookies! I really hope this means my work will pay off and I really will get good grades. Here is a picture of the fortunes, the picture sucks but you can still see that they are completely different and say the same thing (sept the second one I got said congratulations at the end but that's even better! It like KNEW I got that fortune before!)
I had to share that cuz it was the craziest thing ever!
Me and my boyfriend Brian went out to lunch at Panda express yesterday. When I opened my fortune cookies, I got the best fortune I could get for this time, "Your hard work is about to pay off". I was so stoked off it and texted my friends and it gave me a little boost, even though it's just a little piece of paper, it was nice to see that and make me feel like maybe all the hard work I put into this quarter will pay off and I'll get good grades. But that's not all... my parents wanted to take us to dinner and my dad really wanted Chinese food, so we just said ok, we can have Chinese food 2 times today, lol. So we ate and when we were getting the check I showed my mom the fortune I got from earlier and she thought that was really cool. Then, I picked up a random fortune cookie on the table and opened it and my fortune said, "Your hard work is about to pay off!" HOW FUCKING CRAZY IS THAT!!!! I couldn't believe it! Everyone at the tables fortunes were completely different but I got the SAME fortune I got earlier at a completely different restaurant with completely different fortune cookies! I really hope this means my work will pay off and I really will get good grades. Here is a picture of the fortunes, the picture sucks but you can still see that they are completely different and say the same thing (sept the second one I got said congratulations at the end but that's even better! It like KNEW I got that fortune before!)
I had to share that cuz it was the craziest thing ever!

that fortune business is downright creepy...