AHAHAAH, ok, so i was helping my friend move out of his appartment today. i had to drive his dad's tundra =/, it's a pretty big truck. so as i am stoped at a light, i look out the window to my left, and to my suprise, there are two beautiful woman in a CRX. i smile at them, and turn back to the conversation i was having with my friend. and of course he wanted to see them, so i finaly get on the left side of them so my friend can see them for himself as we pass by. (typical man behaivior). only this time, the girl driving gets this MEAN, and pissed look on her face, and speeds away...... i thought it was pretty funny, usually I am the one that has that effect. good times

Hola y Happy Cinco de Mayo! What do you think you are doing up so late?? Isn't it past your bedtime??
past my bed time eh? .....