In the spirit of like, half my friends changing their names, I decided to change mine too. My old one was getting, well, old. I'm sitting here wondering if I should get inspired and do something crafty, or go sit in the hot tub, or just give up and go to sleep. But I feel semi-inspired, so maybe...
I bought some smashing dreadfalls the other day... I'll have to take pictures when they get here. I wish there was someone around to take some kickass pictures for me. My photographer friend has kind of been banished from taking naked pictures of chicks by his girlfriend. I imagine that won't be very good for business
Zebra, even if you weren't the only one of my friends who still pays attention to my journal, you would still kick serious ass
I bought some smashing dreadfalls the other day... I'll have to take pictures when they get here. I wish there was someone around to take some kickass pictures for me. My photographer friend has kind of been banished from taking naked pictures of chicks by his girlfriend. I imagine that won't be very good for business

Zebra, even if you weren't the only one of my friends who still pays attention to my journal, you would still kick serious ass

Do you know any bass players???