In keeping with the true pattern of my life, my heater is broken, and I am freezing my ass off! I know there will be no sympathy from those of you in states where it is REALLY cold, but seriously, my fingers are so cold that they hurt while I'm typing! I actually can't wait to leave for work. Hopefully through some miracle and having a really cool dad who can fix heaters, there will be heat when I get home- please?!?
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 21, 2011
I need a cute little tattooed burlesque dancer!! I have a troupe in h… -
Monday Oct 04, 2010
Is this real that someone really mysteriously activates your account,… -
Tuesday Jul 17, 2007
So, I have this new thing... and on the off chance that anyone really… -
Wednesday Mar 14, 2007
I'm working at Star Garden tonight... Anyone wanna come drink some b… -
Wednesday Feb 21, 2007
Anyone live in Vegas, or going to Vegas... wanna play in Vegas this w… -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
Yay! I'm getting a new hairdo tomorrow, which is pretty exciting...… -
Thursday Dec 28, 2006
Who wants to come out and see some glam rock hair bands with me tomor… -
Tuesday Dec 19, 2006
Guns 'n' Roses and SG Burlesque tonight!!! I'm so excited that it's a… -
Monday Dec 04, 2006
Blah. I hate her. -
Friday Nov 24, 2006
Isn't it sad sometimes when you find out how people really are? And…