Alas, I've sunk into a really good book- 'Jonathon Strange & Mr. Norell'. Great characters, perfect Charles Dicken-ish writing, fine wit, just perfect. It has been such a long while since I've had a book to really sink my teeth into. I've gotten half way through alot of so-so this and that and read quite a bit of nonfiction, but its about damn time that a book I have trouble putting down has come along. So if your looking for a good bit of reading ---I reccomend this one.
Ever have the feeling that your on the periphery of yourself? And then there is those moments where the universal you of you collides and it feels like ascension? (What the fuck is this guy talking about?) Not really sure myself, but only to say that things seem to be making sense and I am feeling more and more of myself, coming wholly into my own as it were. Sure there are the humdrum, dullard, sick of it days--highs, lows, on and on----but taking it with my own power----Salud!
We are looking for a new family member (of the four-legged variety). Our other dog is getting lazy and depressed---it's time to stir it up with a new face. I've never been on for the idea of breeds, I hate the idea of breeding because there are so many dogs without homes already---however, our last dog was a pound pup and we picked him for his personality, not his breed. But I'm starting to realize that his personality at least had something to do with his Rottweiler breed. Anyway, we'll prpbaly get another dog like that or a German Sheppard---both are sharp as tacks, good listeners, good comapnions.
Boy, I'm really rattling on about this dog thing---but I've been thinking on it alot.....
Okay, anyway, how about a wish? To want or wish for nothing then whats around us---this is plenty.
Ever have the feeling that your on the periphery of yourself? And then there is those moments where the universal you of you collides and it feels like ascension? (What the fuck is this guy talking about?) Not really sure myself, but only to say that things seem to be making sense and I am feeling more and more of myself, coming wholly into my own as it were. Sure there are the humdrum, dullard, sick of it days--highs, lows, on and on----but taking it with my own power----Salud!
We are looking for a new family member (of the four-legged variety). Our other dog is getting lazy and depressed---it's time to stir it up with a new face. I've never been on for the idea of breeds, I hate the idea of breeding because there are so many dogs without homes already---however, our last dog was a pound pup and we picked him for his personality, not his breed. But I'm starting to realize that his personality at least had something to do with his Rottweiler breed. Anyway, we'll prpbaly get another dog like that or a German Sheppard---both are sharp as tacks, good listeners, good comapnions.
Boy, I'm really rattling on about this dog thing---but I've been thinking on it alot.....
Okay, anyway, how about a wish? To want or wish for nothing then whats around us---this is plenty.