To Washington State tommorow. I'm looking forward to this though I'm not quite prepared to leave--lot's of little this and thats to take care of. And I had planned to do several things before we get there: lookup a good massage therapist, find a tattoist, and try to connect with some folks on the SG hookup or boards for some general reccomendations. Oh well---to hell with plans I say, better to travel on the wing. And I'm sure it will all be quite delightful. First trip to the Northwest and I'm not sure why----I spent to many trips to the southwest I suppose. Bascially it proably that this trips makes the most sense right now.
Besides being sick I finally went to get a DVD player; I was the last person in America still watching VHS and because we also have an older television that you have to buy some damned patch cable for---I ended up just buying another television. I'm completey and utterly depressed about the whole matter and I feel like a dirty little consumer. I hate buying shit and I beat myself up over it every time.
All right buck up little pony---onward