I feel like my heads been in the clouds or underwater---snap out of it and snap into a slim jim! (eh, nasty) I had a frickin' wipe out bike wreck and couldn't take massage appts. for two days then someone ran into the back of my truck (while I was in it). The bottom line her is if I get abused I like to know that its coming to set the damn thing up myself. Maybe I should give up transportation in general---I mean that's when the shit went down----I was in motion!
Okay, I still have to/want to go places---I'll just keep my suspicous little eyes out for the buggers that wanta bite me when I'm trying to get there.
I just picked up the recent MOJO magazine--The Red Hot Chilli Pepper edited it. Ya know you can bicker and bitch about the pomp and circumstance of fame, some may not liek there music, etc. I go in and out of phases with that band myself. But I'll say this and scream on the highest mountain top----The Red Hot Chilli Peps. have the most fun and are one of the funnest bands. And I had to just get right down to it and say if there's one band I'd wanna hang with or be in a band with it would be those mofos. Although I did get to throw a football around with Flea and Chad 12 years ago---fucking weird.
Okay, I still have to/want to go places---I'll just keep my suspicous little eyes out for the buggers that wanta bite me when I'm trying to get there.
I just picked up the recent MOJO magazine--The Red Hot Chilli Pepper edited it. Ya know you can bicker and bitch about the pomp and circumstance of fame, some may not liek there music, etc. I go in and out of phases with that band myself. But I'll say this and scream on the highest mountain top----The Red Hot Chilli Peps. have the most fun and are one of the funnest bands. And I had to just get right down to it and say if there's one band I'd wanna hang with or be in a band with it would be those mofos. Although I did get to throw a football around with Flea and Chad 12 years ago---fucking weird.
otherwise im stuffed.