Thanks a fuckin' Lot for all your comments
I luv ya
thanks for the my friends condolences and comments of my pics
I appreciate that so much
well i haven't updated for a while .. I played with my band ☆ LeveL of Luxury ☆ Friday 6th It went very weLL
kryziz took some pics of me and the other members .. I luv to sing
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This friday we played too but i hate when i don't hear anything.. No one could hear my microphone .. Only the Alexis one (the other vocal) I hate that!
'cuz i'm there like a muppet
anyway the last song rocks
I'm so fuckin' sad.. 'cuz my boyfriend changed a lot with me.. i gave him a letter.. i've spoken with him a lot of times.. and he goes the same fuckin' and awful way that he's being now with me
i don't bear that 'cuz I luv him sooooo fuckin' much.. we've 9 months being couple.. and I like him, i luv him everythiiiiiiing.. !
I hope that he could be like he was before ..

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This friday we played too but i hate when i don't hear anything.. No one could hear my microphone .. Only the Alexis one (the other vocal) I hate that!

I'm so fuckin' sad.. 'cuz my boyfriend changed a lot with me.. i gave him a letter.. i've spoken with him a lot of times.. and he goes the same fuckin' and awful way that he's being now with me


but i dont think im going to let it get me down...
not that much anyways....i hate crying so
i hope things start to look up for you