HeLL-o To you all.. Thanks for all your comments
I finished 2 days ago.. bLood and GoLd from Anne Rice
I Luv her a fuckin' Lot.. I luv her books.. It makes me feel orgasms
like Queen of the damned (the movie) Grrr I have multiple orgasms in that movie.. Grrrrrrr Lestat Grrr I fuckin' Luv him..
Ooh Stuart Townsed he's so fuckin' hot, gorgeous, sexy, and all that kind of adjectives
Here's My Multiorgasm love
I can't describe what makes me feel that guy
Yesterday I went to the fair with kryziz, my boyfriend and other friends, It was fun although tha fairs here are very veeeery shitty.. when you see the mechanical games you say: This shit is going to break
.. Anyway.. we had fun 'cuz we were saying pure crap hahaha.. kryziz went to Las vegas today.. I'm going to miss her
and more now that we're on vacations.. Fuckin' X- mas.. Is going to be shitty for the economic situation (for the Wilma hurricane
) I'm on the Grinchness movement xD ..
Happy Holidays Anyway ..

Here's My Multiorgasm love


I can't describe what makes me feel that guy

Yesterday I went to the fair with kryziz, my boyfriend and other friends, It was fun although tha fairs here are very veeeery shitty.. when you see the mechanical games you say: This shit is going to break

Happy Holidays Anyway ..

What are your music influences and describe your sound if you can.
I wish you much fun for the rest of holidays