arrgh i wrote the journal entry and this shit erased it
so i hace to write it once again..
Well this week was a very shitty one.. I had a fuckin'n lot but so fuckin' much!! of bLoody and green stinky shit!! Argh i was well i'm under a lot pressure.. Besides all the homework.. very difficult by the way my clinical analysys teacher selected me to participated in the Biology Olimpic to STATE level.. so i was totally freaked out.. I had to come back to scho0l in the afternoon for advisings to the Olimpic.. so basically i was all day long everyday in the lovely schoOL
I haven't sleep very well.. I slept a very short time in all the week.. well since I am in this school i haven't selpt very well :S and then this week i'll start with exams :S I'm going to finish insane.. well I'm insane already jojo
so.. wish me luck 'cuz i'm very tired..
Here's a pic of today
My face isn't in very good state for all the exhaustion a don't hace very good appearance.. :S

Here's a pic of today
My face isn't in very good state for all the exhaustion a don't hace very good appearance.. :S

About me, I probably have some heart desease but it's not necessarly important, I have to wait 24h with this ugly thing and then I'll know a little bit more about my condition
(and I'll try to remember your brother's and boyfriend's birthdays!! )