Ooh I've been very busy.. My fuckin' bro don't let me use the computer <3 cuz it's in his bedroom, and he stay all day long in my lovely computer.. I'm permanently in my boyfriends band
Its name is NameLess but i don't know if we're going to change it.. We're going to play for the first time tomorrow in a schooL
i'm nervous.. we're 2 vocals (singers) A boy and I
wish me Luck.. I hope that we could play nice.. Argh I've had so much homework for the 2 weeks that we had didn't have classes (by the Hurricane ) And I've had to do all the homework and talk and practice with the band.. Oh
many people are going to go .. Reason.. cuz it's in a schooL, other bands are going to play, and there's nothing to do here cuz there's not entertainment in other places for the hurricane cuz they are in repair, so it's going to be big thing for the first time.. Ohh i hope that I could sing good
Wish me Luck again =)
Wish me Luck again =)
good luck
fuck 'em all