I got court in the AM sucks i got to get up at 730 to be there at 9 or 845ish i hope it just gets dissmissed.. because i dont want probation its fifty bucks a month and there is a chance of drug testing or we can get there dn tell the judge i want a trial well go to worcester court house and take it to trial but even that way i could have a chnce that it will go on my record if im found guilty then ill have my first criminal offence on my record i dont fuckin want that im a good kid like i smoke pot and was expelled from all MA public for smoking but that was the only time ive ever been in big trouble and even that never went to anything legal it was just the school dealin with it so its not on my record or anything noone knows unless i tell them.. but im a good girl and a mother i dont want a record its already hard enough to get a job i dont need that against me too.. but hopefully it will just be dismissed and i should have some kinda pics up tomarrow ive been gettin alot of people asking where the pics at? haha im sorry ive been a little side tracked but my bf starts school after court tomarrow so i should beable to take some!
How are you?