My god, two updates in a week, y'all are gonna think I've lost my bloody mind. Nah, just had a baby picture to share
and need hair advice! LOVE the cut:
but I just can't settle on the damn color. There is some strange part of me that wants to go blonde again for a while. Like, blonde bombshell blonde... Iron likes it darker, I know. And so do I, just feeling a need to shake it up a bit. And with it shorter I can really mess with the color a lot more...
Somebody either talk me into or out of this!!!

and need hair advice! LOVE the cut:

but I just can't settle on the damn color. There is some strange part of me that wants to go blonde again for a while. Like, blonde bombshell blonde... Iron likes it darker, I know. And so do I, just feeling a need to shake it up a bit. And with it shorter I can really mess with the color a lot more...
Somebody either talk me into or out of this!!!
Sophie is sooooo freakin cute. It's a good thing ya'll don't live closer- I might steal her!