"Happy Mother's Day, I hope it was a good one."
And you know what? It really was. Not because you got up early and took care of the baby so I could sleep in. Not because you so clearly went out of your way to make me feel treasured and important and like a good mom. Not because your gift was so thoughtful and perfect for my first Mother's Day that I'll treasure it forever. Not because the flowers are still so beautiful. Not because the card was so sweet it made me cry. Nope, it wasn't any of those things.
It wasn't any of those things because NONE of those things happened.
I had a wonderful first Mother's Day because she actually let me sleep in for a half hour, snuggled into my side. Because she gave me hugs and kisses all day. Because I spent the day enjoying my mom, who made me the mom I am, which most of the time I am pretty proud of. Because, when the day was over, and we were all so very tired, I still wanted to snuggle her.
Yeah, I had a good Mother's Day.